Monday, August 5, 2013

Sandhill Cranes at my sis-in-law house

An about month ago I visited my beloved sister-in-law. She and her husband lives near the Nashville, MI on a lovely 68 acres of land.   It is pure heaven! Bees buzzing, birds singing, wind making soft “whusshhhhh” sound…  Quiet and peaceful…


I woke up early in the morning to make few pictures of Robin’s devine garden in a down. (I did it! Just at the sun rise!) And at the way back to the house on the hill I was captured by the beauty of morning fog gently covering meadow…

And then came two cranes.

The simply walked from the meadow to the grass around house, toward me.  I didn’t have a choice but step back and let them walk to the road down the hill… They stop for a few minutes to call other cranes.  Somewhere, not too fat at the forest other cranes answered.  I was so close  -  I can see mist coming out of cranes beak…  This two was not shy at all. Looks like they use to be around people and didn’t expected anything bad from humans…  


Even month late it take my breath away to  see this photos! What a beauty!




1 comment:

Meadow Walker said...

Just happened to pop into see your blog and found these photos. How sweet are your words and I really appreciate them. Hugs to you.